Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Charity Giving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Charity Giving - Essay Example Any person with high values and cultural values will provide high donation as per his or her financial status. Some may do charity for the help of the society by giving blood and donating the body organs in order to help others. This is done by the people due to their own moral values. The regularity of charity whether financial or in other forms depends largely on the person and his or her values in life. None of the charitable organisations can influence them as they are guided by their own ideas and views. A few people refer charitable giving as a personal value which is incorporated in the individual from the beginning of his/her life by the parents. The importance of finance and the gesture to help others in need are the values, which influence the charitable actions of the people. These values are incorporated among the people from the childhood (Duncan, 1999). No charitable institutions, advertisements and marketing strategies can influence the people. Charity depends on the p eople and it depends on the personal freedom and rights of the people to whether they want to do charity or not. Charity can be in money and also in kind. Personal values influence to a considerable extent the charitable action of the people. However, not only the values but also the demographic factors, such as the age of the person, wealth, gender and education contribute towards charitable behaviour. Strong personal values along with moral values have a high degree of influence charitable giving.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evolution of Respiratory Systems in Animals

Evolution of Respiratory Systems in Animals Jonathan Codd Respiration in animals is a necessity as it allows the exchange of respiratory gases that are required for survival. There are huge variations in the designs of respiratory systems and each has evolved due to selective pressures in environments, such as food and territory. The evolution of species is driven in part by limited resources and the adaptations in which these can be exploited. This report will describe the evolution from aquatic environments to terrestrial environments as part of this movement, of animals onto land, created a cause for the fast development of newly designed systems in order to support air breathing as oppose to gaining oxygen from water using gills. Lungfish first developed lungs, and the ability to breathe air instead of water, whilst living in aquatic environments and the appearance of air-breathing in fish is the major foundation for terrestrialization. Each species has different requirements due to different techniques of movement and feeding, for exam ple, and respiratory systems are required to support the lifestyle of each species in order to exchange the maximum amount of gas possible. The ability to develop additional processes able to assist in respiration has ensured that the oxygen demands of each animal is met. The respiratory system of animals is crucial for the life as it allows the exchange of gases between an organism and the environment. These respiratory systems have been forced to continually develop new designs depending on new evolutionary pressures from changing environments. Many species have evolved due to the availability of new niches and unexploited resources and thus have been forced to develop supporting mechanisms of respiration. This report examines the evolution of respiration from aquatic environments to the terrestrialization of land and the rapid expansion of respiratory methods that soon followed. The evolution of lungs from gills in the Sarcopterygii lineage has allowed the tetrapod transition onto land and is responsible for the ability to eventually develop fully terrestrial species that are able to respire solely air. Each system must be complementary to the requirements of the species and environment in order to meet the aerobic demands and some species are able to undergo various methods of respiration in order to undergo sufficient rates of gaseous exchange. Each method has been specifically developed for the niche, and uncinate processes have formed in order to assist with ensuring respiration can be as efficient as possible. Introduction The evolution of air breathing was vital in the transition of life from aquatic to terrestrial environments and, therefore the rapid evolution of the animal kingdoms physiology and anatomy in order to exploit all available niches (Graham, 1997). The development of air breathing would not, however, have taken place if the atmospheric composition had not altered during the Phanerozoic era, around 550 million years ago, when the concentration of oxygen showed an increase, likely due to the appearance of large vascular land plants (Ra et al., 2007). The ozone layer was thought to have formed around two billion years ago (Walker, 1978) and is essential for allowing the survival of life on earth by preventing high-energy ultra-violet radiation from entering the earths atmosphere (Parson, 2003). The movement onto land has allowed for a huge expansion in the amount of available niches and therefore caused a rapid radiation in the body plans of animals and a variety of respiratory mechanisms to evolve in support (Ra et al., 2007)    The Importance of Pulmonary Surfactant Lungs differ throughout the animal kingdom as they have evolved for the specific niche of each species; nevertheless one thing they all commonly include is a gas-liquid interface which allows surface tension to arise, causing complications (Daniels and Orgeig, 2003). The pulmonary surfactant system prevents the collapse of respiratory surfaces in lungs due to unequal pressures arising from differently sized alveoli, as well as maintaining a reduced resistance to air flow and improving lung compliance (Daniels and Orgeig, 2003). There is overwhelming evidence that there was a single evolutionary origin of the surfactant system, thought to be from the epithelial cells lining the pharynx (Daniels et al., 2004), due to Surfactant Protein-A (SP-A) or like-structures being present in all the major vertebrate groups; implying that it is an essential pre-requisite for lung evolution (Sullivan et al., 1998). Surfactant has been studied in swim bladders, which have now been shown to be a homol og of the lung, with the original principal function being an anti-adhesive but also with involvement in preventing water from entering the swim bladders or lungs (Daniels et al., 2004) Pulmonary surfactant composition is primarily lipids (around 90%) most of which are phospholipids, and the remaining ten percent is comprised of proteins. (Veldhuizen et al., 1998). There were found to be four types of surfactant proteins (SPs): A, B, C and D which all have varying properties and roles within the surfactant system; SP-B and SP-C were both found to be highly involved in the surface activity due to hydrophobic properties and SP-D is hydrophilic and part of the collectin family (Wà ¼stneck et al., 2005). Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) is the most hydrophobic lipid component and therefore DPPC-rich monolayers are able to sit packed tightly together, ensuring the exclusion of water, however they are not well suited for the expansion of the lungs and so are alternated with mixed monolayers when necessary (Wà ¼stneck et al., 2005). Respiration in Fish Fish evolution has allowed both water and air breathing to arise as a means of gas exchange and as these vary greatly in properties, such as density and the oxygen concentration, the mechanistic pumps must also show great diversity to meet the requirements for effective respiration (Brainerd and Ferry-Graham, 2005). Fish that breathe in water use gills which are highly evolved organs that provide large surface areas and thin barriers between the fishs blood and the aquatic environment, thus allowing for a high rate of gaseous diffusion (Evans et al., 2005). Whilst they show properties for gaseous exchange the gills are multifunctional organs which are also responsible for the loss of ions and nitrogenous waste, therefore fish must also have regulatory mechanisms allowing them to successfully osmoregulate (Evans et al., 2005). As fish are continually moving they all require a buccal pressure pump as well as a suction pump, most likely the operculum, working in tandem to allow for expansion and compression to move water across the gills; the suction pump is more prominent in some species such as the Osteichthyes compared to the Chondrichthyes (Ap and La, 2001). A counter-current method is established due to water flowing in the opposite direction to the movement of blood, with the secondary lamell ae being the site of gaseous exchange (Shelton and Randall, 1962). The counter-current mechanism is required as the content of dissolved oxygen is less in water than it would be in the atmosphere (Ibanez et al., 2008) and thus allows high concentrations of gas to be exchanged, whereas a con-current mechanism would too quickly reach an equilibrium and efficient extraction of oxygen would cease (Brainerd and Ferry-Graham, 2005). There are two hypothesis surrounding the origin of air breathing in fish, one suggests that lungs arose only once at the base of the Osteichthyes, whereas opposing arguments have recently suggested that lungs evolved on at least two separate occasions and instead developed in both the Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii (Brainerd, 1994). Some air breathing fish, such as the Actinopterygian, are able to modify their buccal pump to create a four-pump mechanism, using two expiration and compression cycles, in which expired air is first pumped into the lungs before being compressed out into the atmosphere (Perry et al., 2001). When empty fresh air is inhaled via the expansion of the buccal cavity before finally being compressed into the lungs, this is shown to fully expand and compress and so there is little mixing of expired and fresh air (Perry et al., 2001). Not all air breathing fish show this mechanism as some Dipnoi, lungfish for example, will still ventilate using the primitive two-stroke mechanism (Burggren and Johansen, 1986) and even though there can be mixing of expired and fresh air in the lungs, there has been no significant evidence to suggest that this is any less effective than the four-stroke method as breathing accessories allows the increase in volume of inhaled gases (Brainerd, 1994). Terrestrialisation Lungs were an obvious pre-requisite for the transition onto land but there were many other anatomical and physiological adaptations necessary for tetrapods before they were able to fully terrestrialise and survive free of an aquatic environment (Daeschler et al., 2006). In the late Devonian, terrestralisation occurred as a means of exploring previously unexploited niches and resources through the evolution of tetrapods via the Sarcopterygian lineage, whose habitats were most likely mud-flats neighbouring the waters edge (Graham and Lee, 2004). Tetrapods share common features with both modern day land vertebrates and fishes and the discovery of Tiktaalik rosaea allowed the transitional form to be studied in detail to provide evidence on the necessary adaptations required for terrestrialisation (Sarfati, 2007). The skeleton of Tiktaalik was found to be a lot stronger than that of its sarcopterygii-like ancestors and would have allowed it to support its own body weight in substrate, it also showed a longer snout and loss of bony gill covering but still maintained fish-like qualities, such as well developed gill arches and fin rays which implies that it still spent a majority of time in an aquatic environment (Ahlberg and Clack, 2006). Tetrapod digits were seen to arise from the pectoral fins of Sarcopterygii, although there was seen to be a pattern there remained a few anomalies throughout the development (Sarfati, 2007). When discovered Tiktaalik was a hugely important addition to the fossil record and bridged the gap between fish and tetrapods after confirmation from phylogenetic studies placed it on the Sarcopterygian to tetrapod lineage (Sarfati, 2007). The further anatomical and physiological changes that continued after Tiktaalik were responsible for allowing tetrapods to adopt new mechanisms of feeding and locomotion that were required for survival on land and thus was responsible for a huge step in the necessary radiation of respiratory systems (Clack, 2006). Respiration in Amphibians and Non-Avian Reptiles Amphibians are able to breathe by utilising cutaneous methods, using their skin to exchange gases, which could also suggest that it was an important method of respiration used during the transition onto land (Gans, 1970). [JC1]Some amphibians, that have a large enough surface area to volume ratio, such as certain species of salamanders, will rely solely on cutaneous respiration for gaseous exchange due to an absence of lungs (Feder and Burggren, 1985). Cutaneous respiration is based on an infinite pool of oxygen, through air or water mediums, in what is known as a co-current or open flow and is a passive process as there is a lack of inspiratory or expiratory flow (Burggren and Moallf, 1984). Whilst a few amphibians will rely only on cutaneous respiration, most will just use it as an accessory breathing mechanisms and will have other primary methods of respiration (Brainerd and Owerkowicz, 2006). As a means of understanding the primitive breathing in early tetrapods and air breathing fish, other species of salamanders have been studied. It was found that they use a method similar to the two-stroke mechanism previously described in Dipnoi; in which during inspiration they will expand their buccal cavity in order to create a negative pressure required to draw in fresh air, therefore supporting claims that this is most likely the primite mechanism of respiration seen in Sarcopterygii and early tetrapods (Brainerd et al., 1993). Whilst most air breathers will create a negative pressure to cause air to move into the lungs, frogs and some air breathing fish, are known as positive pressure breathers as they use their buccal chamber to fill with air which they will then actively force into the lungs (Jones, 1982). In frogs this system consists of two valves; the paired nares, which remain open for the majority of the time with the function of connecting the buccal cavity to the external air and the glottal valve which spends the majority of the time closed and is only opened when air is entering or leaving the lungs from the buccal chamber (Jones, 1982). This breathing cycle is most likely to begin with expiration as breath-holding was found to most likely occur during the end of the buccal inspiration (Jones, 1982). Reptiles, are believed to be the first group of animals to involve movements of the ribs in the assisting with lung ventilation (Nielsen, 1961). Aspiration breathing is thought to have arison in amniotes, which includes reptiles and mammals, most of which have tried to eliminate their reliance on costal aspiration by evolving accessory breathing methods to aid in respiration (Brainerd and Owerkowicz, 2006). It is evident that aspiration breathing evolved after the buccal pump mechanisms, however, there have been no transitional forms intermediate between the two found which suggests that aspiration breathing developed abruptly and amniotes soon after lost the ability to utilise a buccal cavity (Brainerd, 1999). Studies in lepidosaurs, established that most have an unidivided pleural cavity, which is also present in amphibians and air breathing fish, suggesting that this is the primitive form and that seperation occurred only later on in evolutionary history (Brainerd, 1999). Crocodiles display many unique features compared to the rest of the reptile group as they use a hepatic pistol to ventilate their lungs by utlising a muscle known as the diaphragmaticus, which is not homologous with any other diaphragmatic muscle (Brainerd, 1999). The liver divides the thoracoabdominal cavity and the diaphragmaticus muscle, orinating from the pelvis and caudal gastralia, is responsible for the expansion of the thoracic cavity by retracting the liver; this creates a negative pressure inside and fresh air is forced in, with inspiration containing an intermediate pause (Brainerd and Owerkowicz, 2006). The multicameral chamber seen in crocdiles allows high aerobic demands to be met, which is vital for their survival, and is only found in few other reptile species (Perry, 1988). Respiration in Avian Reptiles Avian reptiles, more commonly known as birds, use a lung-air sac respiratory system which allows cross-current flow, where air and blood are flowing in the same direction to one another (Scheid and Piiper, 1972). The avian respiratory system is small and compact and the thin barriers are thought to be advantageous during flight but not necessary as the mammalian bat respiratory system is dissimilar but still successful for long migratory flights (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997). Uncinate processes, which alternate depending on the niche of each bird, are fundamental in the avian respiratory system and assist with the movement of the ribs and sternum, allowing for both inspiration and expiration to take place (Codd et al., 2008). The air sacs are used only for ventilation, with gaseous exchanges taking place as air is passed through the parabronchi, which are thin tubes with openings at each end allowing the uni-directional flow of air, which was found to be unique to avian respiration (Scheid, 1979). The parabronchi are packed into a dense hexagonal array with gas exchange tissue, known as the mantle, surrounding the lumen of each; composing a networks of both blood and air capillaries (Brown et al., 1997). The cross-current system found in birds requires these blood and air capillaries to be in close proximity and arranged parallel to one another in order for diffusion to take place; with the uni-directional flow being studied and found to be of no additional advantage to this cross-current system (Scheid, 1979). There are a total of two inspiratory and expiratory cycles that must occur for the complete flow of air through the lungs (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997). During the first inspiration air flow is split from the trachea to the caudally grouped air sacs or the dorsobronchi, where it will enter the parabronchi and the gas that remained in the lungs from the previous inspiration is forced cranially (Brown et al., 1997). When the first expiration takes place the air remaining in the caudal air sacs moves through the parabronchi, where gas exchange takes place, and another inspiration forces the air into the cranial air sacs (Brown et al., 1997). To exit the respiratory system, the second expiration forces the air to flow from the cranial air sacs through the ventrobronchi and exits using the trachea (Reece et al., 2015). The trachea involved in avian respiration is made up of complete cartilagenous rings and is found to be around 4.5 times the size of mammalian homologues which allows larger tidal volumes and increased compliance within the system (Reece et al., 2015). There have been no valves discovered in the avian respiratory system and therefore to maintain unidirectional air flow it has been suggested that aerodynamics methods, such as jet flow, must be existing in the system during inspiration, and increased resistance through the intrapulmonary bronchus is used during expiratory flow (Scheid, 1979). Respiration in Mammals The respiratory system in mammals is completely separated from the abdominal cavity and the diaphragm and ribs are both crucial in the mechanism of respiration (Keith, 1905). The muscles of the ribs, such as the intercostals, are required for the expansion of the ribcage, which allows the neccesary generating of negative pressure caused by increased the lung volume for aspiration breathing (Perry et al., 2010). The diaphragm is responsible for the control of inspiration as it is able to contract and elongate the thoracic cavity which creates a negative pressure, thus drawing air into the lungs (Loh et al., 1977). The pericardium is closely bound to the lungs and is connected to the central tendon of the diaphragm allowing the vital pairing of both (Keith, 1905). The elevation of the rib cage, which allows further increase in the available volume for external air to enter the lungs, is also under diaphragmattic control (Loh et al., 1977). The mammalian lung is highly complex and involves lots of branching in order to increase surface area from the trachea, which then splits in series into the primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi and finally the alveoli. There are around 3108 alveolar air sacs which comprise of thin membranes to increase the surface area and allow the ease of diffusion of gases between them and the capillaries (Hoppensteadt and Peskin, 2002). Inspiration and expiration cycling allows the constant renewal of air into and out of the lungs and provides mammalian species with sufficient oxygen to meet the aerobic demands (Weibel, 1984). Respiration in Insects There is a wide variety of mechanisms adopted by insects for respiration due to the huge variation in available niches. All will utilise a network of air-filled vessels, which are known as tracheae and tracheoles, and can be as small as 1ÃŽÂ ¼m in diameter, with most terminating nearby to the mitochondria of cells (Miller, 1966). The tracheal system at rest is filled with fluid which is thought to be actively absorbed by the permeable inner tracheal wall when required for breathing, using active transport or secretion from cells (Wigglesworth, 1953). Experiments have demonstrated that during tracheal compression, which is controlled by an increased pressure inside the exoskeleton, the tracheae noticeably shrink in diameter to aid in air convection and increased diffusion of oxygen into the tissues due to a high pressure build up (Westneat et al., 2003). Spiracles are required at the external and internal barrier in the tracheael system to allow external air through the skin; and previous experiments have found if these are blocked then the insect cannot survive as respiration will cease (Fraenkel and Herford, 1938). Interneurons are essential as they are responsible for the pairing of spiracle movement with ventilation by communicating with the spiracles motor neurones (Miller, 1966). The discontinuous gas exchange cycles present in insects will typically occur in three stages, beginning the closed-spiracle phase where only small amounts of external gas exchange are able to take place (Lighton, 1996). A fluttering-spiracle phase permits oxygen uptake for the diffusion of gases into the tracheael tissues and finally an open-spiracle phase concludes the cycle whilst allowing the release of accumulated carbon dioxide (Lighton, 1996). Ventilation is under endogenously controlled rhythms produced by the central nervous system which allows aerobic respiration rates in flight muscles to be so successful that they can be challenged only by certain species of bacteria (Miller, 1966). During insect respiration air is sucked into the tracheal system by creating negative alterations in internal pressure using the pumping of hemolymph by the heart or the contracting of abdominal muscles, others can include passive diffusion or autoventilation (Westneat et al., 2003). Respiration in Cetaceans Cetaceans have evolved a much more unusual respiratory system to any terrestrial mammal, as the nasal passageway has moved to a more dorsal position to allow the exclusion of water from the system and ease of breathing as they surface (Thomas and Kastelein, 1991). A nasal plug, made up of nasal plug muscle, connective tissue and adipose tissue, is responsible for the seperation of the internal and external environment and is retracted anteriolaterally for respiration by bilaterally paired nasal plug muscles (Thomas and Kastelein, 1991). The lung size of cetaceans varies depending on the depth of the dives undertaken, due to the variety of pressures causing differing extents of thoracic collapse (Piscitelli et al., 2010). It was found that the lung size will be reduced in cetaceans that undergo deeper dives and there will be an increase in the thoracic mobility. The lungs of larger whales were found to possess extremely heavy myoelastic bundles in the air sacs and alvolar membranes that were not found in much smaller cetacea (Wislocki, 1942). Conclusion The evolution of respiratory systems has been an extremely specific process that has showed both gradual, and rapid changes throughout the many lineages of the animal kingdom in order to encorporate universal requirements, as well as accessory breathing mechanisms (Weibel, 1984). Respiration is a vital life process required for survival and it is essential that gas exchange is as efficient as possible in order to allow high oxygen-demanding aerobic activities to take place when necessary (Perry, 1988). Each respiratory system may have a variety of additional mechanisms, uncinate processes, that assist in the breathing mechanics to enable the ease of transporting larger volumes of air within each system (Codd et al., 2008). 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Friday, October 25, 2019

A Tale Of Two Cities - Foreshadowing :: essays research papers

In Charles Dickens’, Tale of Two Cities, the author repeatedly foreshadows the impending revolution. In Chapter Five of Book One, Dickens includes the breaking of a wine cask to show a large, impoverished crowd gathered in a united cause. Later, we find find Madame Defarge symbolically knitting, what we come to find out to be, the death warrants of the St. Evremonde family. Also, after Marquis is murdered for killing the small child with his horses, we come to see the theme of revenge that will become all too common. The author uses vivid foreshadowing to paint a picture of civil unrest among the common people that will come to lead to the French Revolution. In Chapter Five of Book One, Dickens includes the breaking of a wine cask to show a large, impoverished crowd gathered in a united cause. At this point in the novel, Lucie Mannette and Mr. Lorry had just arrived in Paris to find Lucie’s father. The author appears to get off of the subject to describe the breaking of the wine cask. This however, is much more significant than it would first appear. Outside of a wine-shop, a wine cask is broken in the street. Many people rush around the puddle on the ground trying to scoop it up and drink as much as they can. Dickens describes the rush to the spilled wine by saying "The people within reach had suspended their business, or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine... some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two hands joined and sipped."(Dickens 27). This goes to show how desperate the people are. The quote also infers that many people are unemployed. As a joke, a man writes the word "BLOOD" on a wall next to where the cask broke open. This foreshadows the violence of the unruly mobs later in the novel. This scene points out how impoverished the people of Paris are and how rowdy a crowd can become when they are unified under a united cause. Later, we find find Madame Defarge symbolically knitting, what we come to find out to be, the death warrant of the St. Evremonde family. Madame Defarge was a very hateful character. She hated the upper-class and was never able to get past this hatred. Thus, she and her husband become leaders of the Jaquerie, a group that is planning the revolution.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ophelia Talks Back

Based on Margaret Tattoo's ‘Gertrude Talks Back' Why yes I do believe I am fair, and I don't need you to confirm it. Honey you were never invited to my wedding. God has given me one face, and I can do whatever the hell I please with it, thank you very much. Frankly you could do with a little heavy foundation and a wig yourself; it might Just conceal the premature balding and all the frown lines you've accumulated from moping. You looked like a tired old man some days. It totally screwed me over.Get thee to a friary. Clearly you're the one lacking in morals. I know you were cut about losing your dad, but there was no excuse to go stab mine. You careless little bastard. To be or not to be†¦ Oops, ha, I Just killed Polonium. I beg thy pardon. You may not lay your disheveled, deluded head in my lap. I don't want the grease stains from what's left of the hair on your head on my dress. Creep. And I've got more thoughts lying between my legs than you were ever able to resolve and brood over in your lifetime.You were terrible in bed. I've got more resolve, you see. Yes, I did kill myself seeing as you weren't planning on taking your last bow any time soon. Alas my attempt to escape from you and your contemptible sex failed when you and Alerter dived into my grave and started wrestling each other; proving no peace even in death. Men. And now you're claiming forty thousand brothers could not match your love for me. A far cry from Act 3. Well, Hamlet. I'd say make up your mind, but†¦ It's already a little late for that.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Writers Strike

The Writers Guild of America is a labor union that represents the thousands of professionals who write what we see and hear on our televisions, in movies, and. The guild combines the efforts of two different US labors; those east of the Mississippi are included in the Writers Guild of America, East. Those members in Hollywood and southern California would be part of the Writers Guild of America, West. Once ever three years the East and West guilds come together to negotiate an agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers is the association that conducts all the negotiations across all the industry-wide guild and union contracts. In the particular year of 2007 when it had come to the negotiating time of year the Writers Guild felt it was time to fight for change this time around. When home video was just starting out the studios asked the writers to take an 80% cut on their pay of videocassettes in order to expand the industry. This was done with the understanding that once home video was a healthy market the studios would give back what they had given up. With sales soaring with the selling of DVD’s and the use of digital downloading the writers pay has yet to be changed from their pay cut. Dave McNary of Variety Magazine stated that â€Å"the Writers Guild wants studios and networks to take a serious look at the Guilds proposals – which seek a doubling of DVD residuals, spelling out terms of new media work and broadening WGA jurisdiction over new media, reality and animation. Attempts at a negotiation to avoid a walkout failed as the Guild announced they would start their strike on November 5, 2007. The Writers guild had a solid reason behind their strike. Patric Verrone, President of the Writers Guild of America stated, â€Å"What we must have is a contract that gives us the ability to keep up with the financial success of this ever-expanding global industry. † In response to the Writers Guild’s DVD proposal the Alliance of Motion Picture Television Producers tayed with the fact that the studios’ DVD income was needed to pay for the rising costs of production and marketing. The AMPTP took a solid stance on their approach to the negation. AMPTP spokesman Jesse Hiestand shared that â€Å"the AMPTP may have different companies with different assets in different businesses, but they are all unified in one common goal – to reach an agreement with writers that positions everyone in our industry for success in a rapidly changing marketplace. Although the AMPTP was after mutual benefit things always didn’t go that way. One of the major issues that happened throughout the writers strike was the fact that negotiations between the two parties would fall through. One particular issue that broke up the negotiation was the issue of payment for content broadcast free or bought over the Internet. Finally after 100 days ups and downs the two parties came to an agreement. The deal they came to put in effect a scale of royalty payments for writers whose work is sold over the internet. Over the 100 days the writers strike lasted, there are several things that could have been handled better. One of the greatest things is this childish behavior reported by Multichannel News Reports stating â€Å"Representatives for the writers guild and the studio alliance are blaming each other for the lack of negotiations. † They could of avoided this issue and possibly could have had an agreement before the strike if they approached the negotiation by separating the people from the problem and working together towards mutual benefit. The greatest thing that went well in this negotiation is the positive outcome. Writers Guild President Patric Verrone said, â€Å"this was not a strike we wanted, but one we had to conduct in order to win jurisdiction and establish appropriate residuals for writing in new media and over the internet. Rather than being shut out of the future content creation and delivery, writers will lead the way as TV migrates to the internet and platforms for new media are developed. Those advances now give us a foothold in the digital age. † The outcome that came from the negotiations between the two parties sets them off to a positive co-existence in the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Losing the Dark

Losing the Dark Have you ever heard of light pollution? Its the overuse of light at night. Nearly everyone on Earth has experienced it. Cities are bathed in light, but lights also encroach on the wilderness and rural landscapes as well. A study of light pollution around the world made in 2016 showed that at least a third of people on Earth have skies that are so light-polluted they cant see the Milky Way from their locations.   One of the most astonishing discoveries the astronauts on the International Space Station share with us is the widespread light pollution that covers our landscapes with the yellowish-white glow of lights. Even at sea, fishing boats, tankers, and other ships light up the darkness.   The Effects of Light Pollution Because of light pollution, our dark skies are disappearing. This is because lights on homes and  businesses are sending light up to the sky. In many places, all but the brightest stars are washed out by the glare of lights. Not only is this simply wrong, but it also costs money. Shining them UP to the sky to light the stars wastes electricity and the energy sources (mainly fossil fuels) we need to create electrical power.   In recent years, medical science has also looked into the link between light pollution and too much light at night. The results show that human health and wildlife are being harmed by the glare of lights during the night time hours. Recent studies have linked exposure to too much light at night to several serious diseases, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. In addition, the glare of light pollution interferes with a persons ability to sleep, which has other health consequences. Other studies show that the glare of lights at night, particularly on city streets, can result in accidents for both drivers and pedestrians blinded by the light of electronic billboards and superbright headlights on other cars. In many areas, light pollution is contributing to tragic loss of wildlife habitat, interfering with bird migrations and affecting reproduction of many species. This has reduced some populations of wildlife and threatens others.   For astronomers, light pollution is a tragedy. No matter whether you are a beginning observer or an experienced professional, too much light at night washes out the view of stars and galaxies. In many places on our planet, people have rarely seen the Milky Way  in their night skies. What Can All of us Do to Prevent Light Pollution? Of course, we all know that lighting is needed in some places at night for safety and security. No one is saying to turn off ALL the lights. To solve the problems caused by light pollution, smart  people in industry and science research have been contemplating ways to have our safety but also eliminate the waste of light and power.   The solution theyve come up with sounds simple: to learn proper ways to use lighting. These include lighting places that only need illumination at night. People can reduce a LOT of light pollution by shining lights DOWN to the places where they are needed. And, in some places, if light isnt needed, we CAN just simply switch them off. In most cases, proper lighting not only preserves safety and reduces the harm to our health and to wildlife, but it also saves money in lower electrical bills and lowers the use of fossil fuels for power.   We CAN have dark skies and safe lighting. Learn more about what YOU can do to light safely and reduce light pollution from the International Dark Sky Association, one of the worlds foremost groups seeking to solve light pollution issues and preserve safety and quality of life. The group has many useful resources for city planners, and both urban and country dwellers interested in reducing the glare of lights at night. They also sponsored the creation of a video called Losing the Dark, which illustrates many of the concepts discussed here. Its available free for download by anyone wishing to use it in their planetarium, classroom, or lecture hall.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Critical Thinking Case Study Essay Example

Critical Thinking Case Study Essay Example Critical Thinking Case Study Paper Critical Thinking Case Study Paper Essay Topic: Critical Thinking Chris had just been promoted as an Executive Assistant for Pat the CEO, Chief Executive Officer, of Faith Community Hospital. Pat had given Chris her very first assignment on her first day of work as an executive assistant and that was to gather information so that Pat can present the issues to the board of directors. Faith Hospital is faced with issues that needed attention and the board of directors must be notified of the issues so that a solution can be remedy to help the hospital stay in business. Chris was to look at the different issues that Pat had informed of her during their first meet and capture only what were the essential issues for the board of directors to know. Some of the strategic overview that Pat requested was to be able to answer the following questions: whats going on right now, what we can do about it, and what we should do about it retrieved from Resource January 28, 2006. Before Pat had informed Chris of the issues that the hospital faces, she was on top of the world even though it was Monday morning and raining. She was just engaged on Saturday will be graduating University of Phoenix on the following Saturday and will also be starting her new position as an executive assistant so there was nothing that can come her way that would let her down. Framing the problem The problem that Faith Hospital is dealing with is the decline of beliefs and spiritual values towards the hospitals missions statement. The hospitals mission states that the mission is to promote the health and well-being of the people in the communities we serve through a comprehensive continuum of services provided in collaboration with the partners who share the same vision and values. retrieved from Resource January 28, 2006. According to Chris, there are fewer community members and partners that know what the hospitals missions are and there are others that have different views and interpretations of what the mission should be. With the different interpretations of the mission the hospital is constantly faced with diverse cases that requires a decision-making solution and techniques to handle. Since the interpretation of the mission varies this attributes to one of the problem that the hospital is faced with such as: patient refusing medical services, do not resuscitate directives, how doctors are responding to the different scenarios and how certain government services and lawsuit affects the hospital. For example, some patients feel that they have the right to refuse certain medical services in which may be due to personal religious beliefs not to accept any medical surgery. On the other hand, there are staff members that refuse to provide certain medical services. This could be because some patients do not have insurance and that the staff is trying to help the hospital not lose any money if they do not provide services to non-insured patient. Another example would be the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) directives. Some patients do not have their consent in written form so it is difficult for the hospital to abide with the patients wishes. The doctors responds to the hospitals mission in different scenarios in the medical services by abiding by their oath, which is to serve and provide services by putting the patients care first. This can also vary depending on the doctor, as some compassion about the patient and some are passionate about the patients ? right to die. So basically the doctors needs to balance the hospitals mission statement-based on personal belief and how they interpret the mission. On top of all this, the hospital also has to deal with different organizations such as the Child Protective Services. According to Pat, the hospital had a case in the Neo-Natal ward, where the Child Protective Services is in the process of taking custody of the baby and threatening to file charges against us because of the way we provided services or, as they allege, failed to provide services retrieved from Resource January 28, 2006. Another that attributes to the problem is how the media represents the hospital on the headline news that medical errors cause tens of thousands of deaths each year, close to 100,000 in hospitals alone. With that as the external panoramic view, let me paint the picture for you, from the inside, said Pat (Resource). This type of media coverage causes a decrease of the number of patients that the hospital serves every year. With the decrease of patient, that translates to the decrease of revenue for the hospital that affects the hospitals budget. Compare to the prior year the hospital lost 7% of the patient population. The hospital has 28% fixed cost yearly that is required to run the hospital business such as: paying the bills which most likely includes paying the employees, utilities equipment maintenance and serving the people. Some of the data shows that the hospital needs to hold steady at 7863 patients and 39,866 patient days or the hospital will need to reduce fixed cost by 15%. The fixed cost cannot be reduced so if there is decrease in the patient admittance into the hospital for service then the less income the hospital receives. That means the hospital needs decide on cutting the cost on the fixed cost just to break even to keep the hospital running. Some of the tough decisions would be to reduce the hospitals headcount. Solutions To help tackle the issues and problems, Faith hospitals board of director need to sit down and come up with ideas that will help the hospital resolve the issues. Solution One Solution One that I come up to help resolve the problem of maintaining and identifying the hospitals mission clearly is to provide a clear and concise procedures and policies that can be implemented. The policies and procedure has to be learned by all staff so that they can be familiarized with what needs to be done when the staff is faced with various cases. It is very difficult and impossible to write down every single item that the staff must do on certain occasion, as the medical field is unpredictable and nearly impossible to memorize. Staff member should focus and concentrate on important issue and quality care for the patients. The hospital needs to also focus on abiding by law to stay in operation while making the policies and procedures. The hospital cannot refuse care for non-insured patient especially if the patient is faced with a life threatening injury. By refusing care, the hospital will be faced with lawsuits if the patient is to die or cost more harm and injuries. For example, if the DNR is not in a written form, there is no question by the staff members but to provide the medical service needed by the patient. Solution Two Solution two that I can think of is to take a survey of employees according to their personal beliefs of how a patient should be treated and keep this survey on the employees record to ensure that the policies and procedures are clearly understood by everyone. This survey will help the hospital track what percent of the employees understand the hospitals mission. If the percent of the survey falls below 95% from the mission statement then Faith hospital needs to re-train employees in regards to the policies and procedures of the hospital. Solution Three To help improve and increase the number of patients that come to Faith hospital, solution three would be for better marketing of the hospital. If the hospital is market properly to entice patients on why they should go to Faith hospital instead of others then this will help the flow of patients. Advertising through the media such as the quality of service that patient can receive at the hospital will be outstanding, patient commitments and the type community service that the hospital provides. By having more patients should help offset the fixed cost on operating the hospital. Decision Chris needs to outline what type of decision-making techniques the board of directors should use in tackling the issues at Faith hospital and that technique should be dimensional analysis. Dimensional Analysis techniques is a checklist (Jensen, 1978) that relates to Five Ws and H, and is of most use as an aide memoir for initial exploration of a problem or evaluating options, particularly those associated with human relations, rather than of a technical nature retrieved on January 29, 2006, Dimensional Analysis. By identifying the five Ws (Who, What, Where, When) and H (How), this should assist in finding one solution. I think the best solution is the putting the policies and procedures in place. In doing this, employees that serves the hospital will have a clear and concise knowledge of the hospitals mission statement. This will help alleviate the in concision that is happening at the hospital. The five Ws and H can be represented by substantive dimension (Who? ), spatial dimension (where? ), temporal (When? ), quantitative (How much? ), and qualitative (How serious? ). Some of the questions that can be asked are substantive dimension or what asks the question like Is it necessary to change attitudes or practices? Another is spatial dimension or who, asks the question such as Recognize the exact area concerned. After identifying problem and the effects of it to the hospital, now the Pat can present to the board of directors the solutions that are feasible and achievable. It is not going to be an easy task to get all the board in agreeable to the solution but will help identify all the problems that needs to be resolved and in peoples mind. If the issues are not dealt with, there is a chance that the hospital will lose more money by losing more patients. Without the patients coming into the hospital, the hospital will not be around to serve the community. Like any  businesses, Faith has to earn money to be able to operate and serve customers. The solution that is identified to help with the problem will assist the hospital run a better business. In conclusion, the hospital needs to let the community be aware of the quality service that Faith hospital provides and once the trust from the community comes in this should help balance the budget once the flow of patients start to increase. The board of directors has to come to an agreement on maintaining the mission of the hospital and its survival. Without the mission statement, the hospitals spiritual beliefs and values will fail to exist.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition...

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition... Alice Lloyd College Admissions Overview: Alice Lloyd College had an acceptance rate of 22 percent in 2016, but  the actual admission bar isnt overly high. Admitted students tend to have average ACT or SAT scores and grades in the A and B range. The admission process, however, is holistic and involves much more than numerical measures. As a work college with an extremely low price tag, Alice Lloyd looks for students who will be a good match for the college and who will benefit from the experience. For this reason, all applicants must schedule an interview with an admissions counselor, and visiting the campus for a tour is highly recommended.   Admissions Data (2016): Alice Lloyd College Acceptance Rate: 22 percentTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 440 / 590SAT Math: 470 / 540What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 18  / 25ACT English: 17  / 25ACT Math: 16 / 23What these ACT numbers mean Alice Lloyd College Description: Alice Lloyd College is a small liberal arts college located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. It is also one of seven recognized  American work colleges, meaning that students are employed in the college’s work-study program on campus or with an off-campus outreach project as a way to gain work experience and to partially pay their tuition. Students at Alice Lloyd College are required to complete at least 160 hours of work per semester. The remote campus is situated on 175 acres in the hills of eastern Kentucky, a few hours southeast of Lexington. Academics are strong and leadership-driven, supported by the college’s work program. Students can choose from 14 liberal arts majors, including popular programs in biology, business administration and elementary education. The college is located in Knott County, which is a dry county, so alcohol is prohibited on campus. The Alice Lloyd College Eagles compete in the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference of the NAIA. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 605  (all undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 45 percent male / 55 percent female95  percent full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $11,550Books: $1,400 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,240Other Expenses: $5,100Total Cost: $24,290 Alice Lloyd College Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 65 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $8,832Loans: $4,244 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Business Administration, Elementary Education, Social Sciences, History, English Literature, Sociology, Exercise Science Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 84 percentTransfer-out Rate: 20 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 27 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 31 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country, Tennis, Softball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Alice Lloyd College, You May Also Like These Schools: For students that might be interested in another work college, other recognized schools include  Berea College,  Warren Wilson College,  Blackburn College,  Ecclesia College, and the College of the Ozarks. If youre looking for a small school (around or less than 1,000 students) in Kentucky, Transylvania University, Georgetown College, and Kentucky Wesleyan College are all great choices. And all three of these schools are largely accessible, with at least two-thirds of applicants accepted each year. Alice Lloyd College Mission Statement: mission statement from The mission of Alice Lloyd College is to educate mountain people for positions of leadership by Making an Alice Lloyd College education available to qualified mountain students regardless of their financial situation.Offering a high quality academic program, emphasizing the liberal arts.Promoting the work ethic through a self-help Student Work Program in which all full-time students participate.Providing an atmosphere in which Christian values are maintained, encouraging high personal standards, and the development of character.Serving the community and region through appropriate outreach programs which utilize mountain people helping mountain people.Assisting deserving students in obtaining advanced study beyond their program at Alice Lloyd.Producing leaders for Appalachia who possess high moral and ethical values, an attitude of self-reliance, and a sense of service to others.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Manual - Google Street (Google map 3D) Coursework

Manual - Google Street (Google map 3D) - Coursework Example In essence, the 3D maps provide the user with the ability to see the buildings, street details and roads that make up a particular area. It acts as the basis to ensuring that users can efficiently navigate from one point to another. This is to aid them in travelling through most of densely populated cities (Peterson 32). It is vital to note that there is a significant set of well-designed functions contained in the Google 3D maps. These crucial functional features act as the building to ascertaining that there is efficient delivery of the targeted services to users. These functions include the global positioning system module, which allows users to experience real-time definition of different areas contained in a map. In each of the displayed 3D map, a user is provided with the function of changing between list views, street view. Another one is the search function where a user is allows searching for a particular company, street or any other geographical feature. The Google 3D map also provides users with a get direction function. This helps users to get access to the right path towards a particular destination. There is also a zoom function for users to zoom a location in or out. Lastly but certainly not the least, this feature contains a function, which allows users to save a favorite map towards a particular destination. This is important in that users can simply open a saved map and get the right directions to a preferred destination (Peterson

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector Essay

Compare and contrast the key features of public and private sector organisations and explain how these might impact on the role - Essay Example Public sector involve organisations owned and operated by government or their agents and are mostly set up not for profit, but to offer essential services to the public, though profit still reminds one of the objectives of such organisations. Public sectors will major in owning, producing, providing, allocating and delivering goods and services for the government or the public, on either local or international levels, with service provision being more important than making profits. The managers are government appointees, making public companies political institutions. Private organisations. These ere organisations set up, owned, financed, and operated by business people with the single aims of harnessing opportunities to make a profit. The government in private companies only plays a regulatory role through its legal framework, but does not involve in any decision making in such organisations. Their main aim is to invest and harness resources as much as possible to make the maximum p rofit possible from the community. Similarities between private and public companies Service to the public. Both the public and private companies are set up to serve a particular public need, though a private company is responsible to its shareholders and investors to offer such services at a profit. Competition. There are many private companies providing services similar to the public sector services; they all compete for customers and resources, as well as market for their products and services. Examples are schools or healthcare faculties. Organisational hierarchy. Both public and private organisations have different staff occupying differently levels of decision making process, though in the private sector such hierarchies may have different tag names. In the two sectors, hierarchy structure is set to delegate work to the appropriate sections or levels (Kearney, Hisrich, & Roche 2009, 28). Differences between Private and Public Companies Organisation level One factor that charac terizes the public sector is the many formal processes that must be in place to make such an organisation function appropriately (ESADE, 2011). Decision process in public companies involves more degrees of consultations to formalize, leading to increased bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is defined and the regulations, procedures, and rules that have to be adhered to, but have little or no efficacy to the functional object of the rules themselves (ESADE, 2011). Bureaucracy in public sector is mostly due to the divisions of authority between the executive, legislature, and judiciary arms of the government, which have to be involved in the decision making process. On the other hand, private firms are more efficient and have no elaborate formalisation to put in place. Once they have complied with the legal procedures, they can be as small as the owners prefer and as large as possible, with decision making being retained at the senior management level. This makes private sector more efficient in decision making. Market Economy Another difference between private and public sectors is the market economy and economic systems. The public sector has to provide

An experience that helped you discover a principle to live by Essay

An experience that helped you discover a principle to live by - Essay Example My parents could not give me all the caring and pampering that the children of well to do families used to get. The privileges of the rich children always irritated me as I was deprived of all such amenities. Actually, I was not finding fault with my parents through my resentment rather than cursing my fate. Despite having such hatred in my mind for being born in a lower middle class family, I was never ready to share my thoughts even with my best friends. It was at this stage Rose and I became friends. Rose was a cheering girl who never complained about anything. Everybody liked her character as she was very enthusiastic and happy always. I was proud of being her best friend. However, there was something strange with Rose, for she was repeatedly absent from school. One day, I happened to visit her home with my class teacher as Rose had been absent for several days. We were surprised to see Rose working in a nearby house for lower bucks. Rose’s father died when she was a little child. Thereafter it was her mother who lately fell sick brought her up. Rose and her mother lived in a little hut that was partly dilapidated and demolished. Rose had no alternative other than seeking a job to take up the responsibilities. We both were taken aback hearing the touching story of little Rose. I could not comprehend how Rose remained cheerful even at the adverse condition. I realized one thing that I was fairly wealthy when compared to Rose; however, it was pity that I always complained about my deprivation. Rose gave me a new outlook and taught me that happiness of life depends on how we perceive life experiences. One can either turn disheartened or find out new dimensions of true happiness by initiating responsibilities. Majority of people tend to assume the first option in times of unforeseen events. Rose dared accepting the latter one even at the younger ages. I realized that I had been competing with myself

CODE OF ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CODE OF ETHICS - Essay Example I hope that the code of ethics that I have come up with would be of interest to you and inspire others who have plans to be a healthcare associate. Sincerely yours, Name of Student My Code of Ethics as a Healthcare Associate A healthcare professional is a person that people trust to provide them not only with medical attention but also treatment that is fair and appropriate according to the policies and laws governing healthcare. Therefore, as an ethical healthcare professional, I will ensure that I meet, if not exceed, the statements below in practicing my profession. I. To practice integrity and respect at all times ensuring that I uphold the values and regulations set by the healthcare system that I work for. II. To avoid exploitation of one’s position in order to achieve financial or personal gain at the expense of others. III. To value the trust given by the people and retreat from transactions or activities that could affect or have a negative impact on the healthcare sy stem or the profession. IV. To treat everyone fairly and avoid discrimination at all times. V. To take on jobs that one can proficiently handle and has ample knowledge on based on trainings and experience on the subject. VI. To establish trust from patients as well as colleagues by helping in providing an environment that is safe and free from harassment, violations and any actions that give off a negative light on the system. VII. To provide sufficient information to patients to enable them make an informed decision regarding their health. VIII. To be truthful and honest in all forms of transactions with employees and patients. IX. To report any abuse on these codes to the ethics committee. As a healthcare practitioner, it is very important to adhere to the policies set by the healthcare system that one works for. Codes of ethics are in place for a reason (Dominion, 2010). By practicing integrity and respect not only to patients but also to colleagues, the environment becomes such that the transactions and/or interactions with everyone is done with integrity, respect for life and other’s opinions and preferences. It is sometimes unavoidable for people in position to exploit the power they have over others. It is very important that the people who can do something remain honest and with integrity so that the healthcare system continues to be trusted by the public. Using one’s power in order to advance another is not only selfish but also wrong. (American College of Healthcare Executives [ACHE], 1996) It sheds a negative image on the healthcare system and its workers. Therefore, when one can be paid off or be coerced whether by money or by other means, it becomes something that in very untrustworthy. One of the most important factors in this type of business is trust, therefore, by being fair and just, trust can be established. Earning the trust of patients is a little difficult since one has to establish credibility not only on giving them the co rrect solution to their concerns but also in keeping their confidences. Patients must have the peace of mind that their concerns or issues are kept at the strictest confidence and that it will not be disclosed to anyone else at any cost. (ACHE, 1996) This same principle goes to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Grace Hopper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Grace Hopper - Assignment Example She would become an employee of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. Hopper made valuable contributions in the development of programming languages and applications for the UNIVAC computer. She developed a compiler which helps to act as an interface between machine language and human language. This revolutionary accomplishment now forms the basis of modern programming languages and applications. It helped to create the basic syntax for coding applications. Hopper would invent the term â€Å"computer bug† when a real moth was found to be trapped in the UNIVAC computer (Beyer, 69). Hopper’s greatest contribution was the development of the COBOL which became the standard blueprint for modern programming languages. COBOL was easily understood and applied by computer programmers. It uses English language syntax as a means of developing efficient and effective applications. Hopper made valuable contributions in creating standards for programming languages. These standards have led to the immense proliferation and development of applications. Grace Hopper will always be acclaimed for making computer technologies accessible to the general public. Her valuable research now forms the basis of modern applications and

International Business - Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Business - Starbucks - Essay Example This has been the key reason, according to the case study, that managers in Starbucks decided to use alternative internationalization strategies that could protect the firm’s interests more effectively. The inappropriateness of licensing, as the core internationalization strategy of Starbucks, can be understood by referring to the characteristics of licensing. Licensing, as a strategy for expanding internationally, can offer a series of advantages. In fact, licensing is considered as one of the most popular internationalization strategies (Czinkota et al. 2009). In the context of licensing ‘a party can uses intellectual property of another party paying compensation in the form of royalty’ (Czinkota et al. 2009, p.244). The intellectual property the use of which can be allowed to third parties, under compensation, can vary, incorporating ‘patents, trademarks and business skills’ (Czinkota et al. 2009, p.244). In general, licensing has related to the fo llowing benefits: there is no need for capital investment, compared to other internationalization agreements (Czinkota et al. 2009). ... The licensing agreement is considered as an ideal strategy for testing foreign markets as of their potential to offer high profits (Cherunilam 2010). After testing a foreign market using the licensing agreement the licensor may decide to proceed to a full-entry in the particular market, in case that prospects for high growth are identified (Cherunilam 2010). In other words, the licensing agreement can be used as a means for checking a market’s prospects in regard to a specific product/ services before proceeding to the further promotion of this product/ service in the particular market (Stonehouse et al. 2007). Managers in Starbucks probably used initially the licensing agreement as a first tool for checking the perspectives of markets worldwide. It seems that the firm would prefer to avoid investing funds on internationalization agreements in regard to markets the potentials of which were unknown. After testing these markets, the firm’s managers were ready to proceed t o the next phase, i.e. to develop internationalization strategies that could offer full control over the firm’s intellectual property. At this point, reference should be made to the following fact: the company had used licensing only in Asia, probably aiming to explore the local markets’ potentials in terms of the firm’s products. In Canada, the expansion of the firm was arranged differently: the owners of Starbucks bought the stores in Canada so that a full control is secured. Of course, the use, directly, of another internationalization strategy in Canada was feasible, since the firm’s owners could have a better view of the particular market’s prospects, meaning that there was no need for testing the Canadian market in regard to its responses to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Grace Hopper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Grace Hopper - Assignment Example She would become an employee of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. Hopper made valuable contributions in the development of programming languages and applications for the UNIVAC computer. She developed a compiler which helps to act as an interface between machine language and human language. This revolutionary accomplishment now forms the basis of modern programming languages and applications. It helped to create the basic syntax for coding applications. Hopper would invent the term â€Å"computer bug† when a real moth was found to be trapped in the UNIVAC computer (Beyer, 69). Hopper’s greatest contribution was the development of the COBOL which became the standard blueprint for modern programming languages. COBOL was easily understood and applied by computer programmers. It uses English language syntax as a means of developing efficient and effective applications. Hopper made valuable contributions in creating standards for programming languages. These standards have led to the immense proliferation and development of applications. Grace Hopper will always be acclaimed for making computer technologies accessible to the general public. Her valuable research now forms the basis of modern applications and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Future work place competenvy skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Future work place competenvy skills - Essay Example Owing to the immense public interaction that this profession requires, health administrators would need to maintain their original self in addition to the mechanized self. Health administration requires a sound knowledge of management. In the contemporary age, methods are being devised to quantify the management. A lot of softwares are being employed in the workplace for organizing the work, which not many public health administrators are able to use. In the present age, people with good knowledge of IT are preferred over others for the job of public health administration. In the coming years, this competition will increase as more and more softwares are being found. Therefore, in order to excel in their field, public health administrators should gain competence in the use of the related softwares. In the University of Phoenix, I came across a diverse population of students from all over the world interacting with whom polished my interpersonal skills. The softwares we were taught wo uld be very beneficial for us in our profession.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Applying theory of career construction to case study

Applying theory of career construction to case study The purpose of this case study is to apply Savickas Theory of Career Construction to a volunteer client Karen. Complete a narrative interview using the structured interview questions in the Career Style Interview, and employing the six steps. Discuss interpretations, observations and obtain her feedback. Theoretical foundation of Career Construction Theory The theoretical foundation of Career Construction theory (CCT) has its beginnings from Constructivism, and according to Sharf (2009) Constructivism is a psychological approach that has developed out of a postmodern philosophical position. It has been stated the Postmodernism period was a reaction to modernism, in that it highlighted the differences in individual views rather than a one-sided, rational scientific view of modernism. (Sharf 2009) Constructivist saw individuals as creators of their own destiny, and constructivist counselors sought to help clients discover that meaning and resolve any discrepancy. (Sharf 2009) According to (Sharf 2009, p316) the constructivism approach was greatly affected by the changing of the work environments in the 1970s. Employees were no longer staying with one position for their whole work life, as companies were becoming less loyal to employees and watching out for own bottom-line by downsizing their workforce to part-time. Employees soon discovered they needed to take charge of their future and looked to career counselors for help. According to (Busacca, 2007) constructivist career counseling attempts to answer one question how can an individual negotiate a lifetime job changes and not lose a sense of self? Career construction theory (CCT) came about to help individuals develop meaning out of their career choices and actions. CCT addresses how an individuals career, is made from its personal and social constructs or interactions. These constructs are not actual real reality, but an individuals representation of that reality. CCT defines career as an objective and subjective construct. Objectively speaking, career is a listing of positions from the past to present. Subjectively, career is the personal meaning or a pattern of experiences from past, present and future. (Savickas, 2005, p43) CCT is made of three distinct perspectives and each seeks to determine how the individual views their life and career, and how they work together. (Busacca, 2007) These perspectives are life theme, career adaptability, and vocational personality. The Purpose and the Suppositions The purpose of CCT is to help the individual discover the subjective meaning in their work. In helping the individual discover this type of meaning, CCT stress the importance of the relationship between the individual and the counselor. Life themes In Hollands career development theory, his inventories were used to obtain critical information about the individual, and make predictions about a career path, and also the likely hood of success along this path. Career construction theory takes advantage of the individuals narrated work stories to discover any meanings or patterns. (Busacca, 2007) It has been stated that pattern is the primary unit of meaning. By consciously organizing and binding together these discrete experiences, a unifying life theme patterns (Savickas 2005, p 58) patterns becomes a fundamental and essential way of being because it provides a way for individuals to see themselves and see what is important in the world. (Savickas, 2005 p58) During a counseling session the individual is encouraged to tell about their work positions, experiences. They are also asked to develop a story linking career related experiences from the past to the present. The story becomes the focus of attention as individual narrates the counselor through their work and life stories. The counselor plays a less active role and listens for patterns in the individuals story. (Busacca, 2007) Career Adaptability Once an individual has discovered a life theme, how they go about coping with the process of connecting with social expectations and how they construct their careers is the next step. (Savickas, 2005) Career counselors begin to ask questions of the individual such as How did you decide on that career? This is an important question to ask, because it relates to how the individual is choosing to cope or react to their social expectations. (Savickas 2005) stated adaptation was the interaction of self and society and it is this interaction where an individual develops their attitudes, beliefs, problem-solving and coping mechanisms. He went on to discuss four stages of adaptation resources. These resources are concern, control, curiosity and confidence. (Savickas, 2005) During the career concern stage, a career counselor focuses on whether an individual is concern about their future. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Do I have a future. A lack of career concern has a likelihood of becoming indifference which usually reflects a feeling of pessimism about the future. Career concern is important because it helps the individual to relate their current activities to future endeavors. The goal of this stage is the building of continuity of past and future career activities. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career control stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual feels or believes they are responsible for their careers. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be Who owns my future? The lack of career control has a likelihood of becoming career indecisiveness and can lead to attitudes of indecision. The goal of this stage is deciding by clarifying choices. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career curiosity stage, a career counselor focuses on whether the individual has discovered fit between self and the world of work. A statement commonly made by individuals in this stage would be What do I want to do with my future? The lack of career curiosity has the likelihood of becoming naÃÆ'Â ¯ve about work options. The goal of this stage is exploration, learning about self and clarifying values. (Savickas, 2005) (Busacca, 2007) The career confidence stage, a career counselor would focuses on whether the individual displayed self esteem, self efficacy and encouragement. A statement commonly made by an individual in this stage would be Can I do it? A lack of career confidence has a likelihood of becoming unmotivated and unwilling to obtain their goals. The goal of this stage is to increase self acceptance, develop problem solving abilities and encourage the willingness to try even when things look dark. (Busacca, 2007) (Savickas, 2005) Vocational Personality According to (Savickas, 2005) an individuals personality begins in the family, neighborhoods, and school. As that individual grows up, their characteristics are displayed everyday while doing housework, completing hobbies and playing games. CCT views these characteristics possibilities or hypothesis to explore for the discovering meaning. Unlike Hollands RAISEC which use an objective person-environment fit, CCT uses a subjective approach in demonstrating to the individual how they are similar to others in a given field, and share common feelings and ideas about work related activities. Account of Session with Karen Career Style Interview with Karen Karen is 46 year old divorced African American women with three adult children. She attended Central Florida College and has received her Associates in Health information management. She is currently attending classes at University of Phoenix, and is enrolled in the Healthcare Administration program. Karen started her employment at a nursing home at the age of 18. At the nursing home she held the position for Nurses Aide for four years. Karen says after that four years she demonstrated to the management team the characteristics of commitment and dedication. Karen was promoted to unit clerk at the nursing home. She held that position for two years and was again promoted to medical record where she held the title of medical records specialist for five years. Karen reports she was then laid off from the nursing home for four months. She kept her faith and was able to secure a position as a receptionist at a law firm. She kept that position for 6 months and obtained a position a major ho spital in the medical records department. She worked in that department for next nine years. Once again she was promoted, now to Compliance officer, where she helped enforce the policies and procedures of the hospital. After one year she was asked by hospital administration to manage the medical records department and is currently the director of medical records. The Career Style Interview is currently being used to elicit self defining stories and identify Karens life themes and patterns. How can I as a counselor be helpful to you in constructing your career? When asked how career counseling could be helpful, Karen replied Ive been told I need to look into changing fields from healthcare to business administration. So If I needed to use the services of a career counselor, it would be to help me map out a plan to switch me to the business program. Whom did you admire when you were growing up? Karen replied when she was growing up she admired her sister Vernice. Vernice display strong character and tenacity to get through hard times. Karen connected with this aspect because she often wanted or need the strength to go on despite many adversities in her own life. Karen admired her mother next. Her mother has been ridiculed with numerous health issues and her mother kept her faith in God and fought back when others had given up on her. She next admired Michelle Obama for her sincerity and her down to earth presentation. She state, when Michelle speaks I can believe it, because I know she is speaking from the heart. Describe your favorite magazine, book, and TV show. Karen states her favorite magazine is Essence magazine. She states, the magazine affects the culture of African American and is very informative. She mentions her favorite book is F. and her favorite TV show is Little house on the prairie. She says, I love that show because its Christian based and it country, and I love the county. What are your favorite hobbies and leisure time activities? Karen states her favorite hobby is bowling. She replies, I like bowling because it can be done by yourself or with a group. You can be competitive or just relaxing. Do you have any favorite mottos? Karen states her favorite motto is you can do all things through Christ that strengths you. What are your favorite and worse subjects in high school? Karen states her favorite subject is high school was creative writing, history. I love to writing and telling a story and being the center of attention. What career did you parents want you to follow? When asked what career did you parents believe you would be well suited for she replied, My parents wanted me to be a medical doctor. Describe for me four early recollections and give a story title for each one. Summertime in the Country; we did have a TV and when we got done working in the fields, we would go down to the creek. The creek is where everyone would be and we would eat watermelons until we were fat. New adventures at the beach: one summer when I was eighteen, a group of three boys and two girls went to the beach to go horseback riding. I was scared at first, because the horse didnt have a saddle on it. Bring life unto the world; I remember the birth of my first child, who is dead now. I he was still alive today he would be twenty-five. I love him and I enjoy having the bundle of joy in my arms. The obedience to God: when I was eighteen, I gave a speech to the people at the church. Back then I was good at speaking. I spoke with such a demanding tone everyone in the church stopped and listen. To this day that was one of the best speeches I ever gave. Karens Vocational Personality, Career Adaptability and Life Theme Using (Savikas, 2005, p62) six steps I first make sense out of Karens stories by reviewing how career counseling can be helpful. In response to my introductory question How can I be helpful to you in constructing you career? Karen stated she wanted to be more organize, structured and have a action-oriented goal plan. Karen recognized she is not getting as much done as she would like to be. She also recognizes that structure gives her the strength to be methodical, which is one of the characteristics her role model Matlock displayed. She is attempting to exert some career concern and control over her future. Karen mentions organized and action-oriented goal plan and these three terms reflect on Karens level of adaptability. By seeking organization and action oriented goal plans, she is directly providing answers the question Do I have a future (career concern), Who own my future (career control) and Can I do it (career confidence) Second, I look for the verbs in her early recollection. Third, Examining headlines to early recollections Fourth, moving from Preoccupation to Occupation Observations of Karen Counseling Session with Karen

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Valedictorian Speech :: essays research papers

First of all I would like to congratulate my fellow classmates Hello my name is Sarah and I am very proud to say I am valedictorian of this program. When I first started classes at this college I was afraid I wasn’t even going to pass let alone be standing here today. It had been a long time since I sat in a class room. I thought I was too old to go back to school. But I was wrong. Coming to this school has been one of the most fulfilling decisions I have made in my life. When I am at home watching tv and a commercial for this college comes on my 4 year old will start yelling that my momma’s college with a big smile on his face it makes me feel proud to be a part of this class. These past eight months have been tough. Especially for those of us with children who know its not easy to do our homework when our kids are trying to color in our text books. Or study for a test when the baby is crying. at first I felt a guilty, not having any time to spend my son. But I just kept remembering the banner we have over the stair case on our campus. It says sacrifice is temporary but I will be a college graduate forever. As I stand up here today and all my hard work has paid of I know my children and my family are so proud of me. As I am sure all of you are as proud of all your graduates standing up here today. I would like to thank you all for giving us the ext ra help, support and understanding we have needed to succeed these past eight months. I would like to thank my teacher Mr. S, for making my learning experience at this school a fun and exciting one. Even thought at times it seamed like he thought we were marines instead of student, Never the less he is just a great teacher I would like to take the time to thank my in-laws for letting me use their car to get to class when mine broke down.My other half for being so helpful with the kids when I had homework or a test to study for.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Affirmative Action and Higher Education Essay -- Critical Thinking Essa

Affirmative Action and Higher Education    Two people stand in a room looking at a vibrant painting and receive a totally different image. This is something we all realize can happen. It is our different perspectives that make us valuable too each other. When trying to solve a problem or create a new idea, we need each other to bring forth considerations and concepts that would never occur otherwise. This concept is something most of us grasp in theory, yet it never ceases to confound and confuse us if someone draws a conclusion tangent from ours when presented with the same information. This situation lies at the heart of the argument over affirmative action. Policies that are viewed by some as righting past wrongs are viewed by others as creating a level playing field or even instigating a new phase of unjust discrimination. Part of this confusion is because the range of views not only shifts between people, but also over time. Policies that once appeared to be necessary can, in a few decades, seem excessive. When Justice P owell, along with the rest of the United States Supreme Court, handed down the decision in Regents of University of California v. Bakke in 1978, he attempted to give a rational for affirmative action in higher education that did not rely on retribution for one race; however, over time modest progress improving minority representation in schools have combined with the frustrations of a new generation to create a present situation that puts the past's policies under new political and legal scrutiny. When the Bakke decision was handed down it set standards for what affirmative action programs should be like. Specifically, it referred to the Harvard process (Schauer 592), but abstractly it was more gener... ...ronicle. November 5, 1998. National Center for Policy Analysis. "Racial Preferences Don't Help Students Graduate." Idea House. June 11, 1997. Regents of the University of California. "Text of Resolutions SP-1 and SP-2." Representations Online. Summer 1996. Schauer, Frederick and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. The Philosophy of Law. Harcourt Brace College Publishers: Austin. 1996. Sparks. District Judge. Hopwood v. The State of Texas. August 19, 1994. Sowell, Thomas. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. "Body Count versus Education." AEI On the Issues. August 1997.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Grandma’s Treats E-Commerce Security Options Essay

There are both advantages and disadvantages to providing an overly secure environment for e-commerce. The biggest advantage is consumer and business privacy. Grandma’s Treats needs to provide a secure environment so that unauthorized users are unable to see details of the consumer’s transactions, and purchases in particular. In this way consumers using Grandma’s Treats website will know they can make multiple purchases using their stored information and retain a sense of security regarding their transactions. To ensure this privacy for the consumer, encryption software installed on the server is necessary. A further advantage to a secure environment is consumer trust. When customers decide to make a purchase using their account with a password, they can trust that the security standards of the company are up to par with other, larger organizations. This type of secure environment would work best at serving the needs of wholesale and corporate accounts. A disadvantage of providing an overly secure e-commerce environment is if the company decides to use public key infrastructure, or PKI (Brayton, Finneman, Turajski, Wiltsey, 2006). In this instance, Grandma’s Treats would only be able to transmit a small amount of information. A second disadvantage to this overly secure environment is if Grandma’s Treats requires a user to log in to view its offerings, it may be considered an annoyance and a hindrance to purchasing. A final disadvantage is that this technology tends to slow down customer service. The time required to check out the online shopping cart will necessitate verification, which will make the purchasing process longer. Should this take too long, a customer may decide to log off and leave the website without finalizing a purchase. There are also advantages and disadvantages to providing an open, insecure e-commerce environment. Some advantages of setting up an open, insecure environment are quick browsing of products, easy navigation of the website, and the inexpensive cost of implementing it. To browse through the website of Grandma’s Treats, a customer wouldn’t first have to login and use a password. Consumers will also have the option of browsing through the offered products with ease. Providing an open, insecure environment is also an inexpensive option. The company will not need any specialized hardware or software to ensure security in its e-commerce environment. There are several disadvantages of setting up an open, insecure environment as well. The threat of hackers breaking into the server, and malware infecting the site, are two disadvantages of not providing proper security (CNET Staff, 2008). An experienced hacker could easily gain access to customer information, financial transactions, and any other important information stored on the server. A variety of malware could cause a major problem for Grandma’s Treats and its website with the likely outcome of a system crash or possible infection of customers’ computers. While the damage could most likely be reversed, it would take time to repair and create distrust with the company’s customers. In light of these advantages and disadvantages as discussed, it is recommended that Grandma’s Treats employs a more middle of the road option. For certain purposes, such as making a purchase online, there should be security measures in place, such as requiring a customer to create an account and log in with a password. However, there should also be a selection of â€Å"front end† pages which are easily accessible to anyone browsing products. In this way Grandma’s Treats can best serve the needs of both valued customers and casual web browsers. References Brayton, J., Finneman, A., Turajski, N., Wiltsey, S., (October 10, 2006). â€Å"What is PKI?† Retrieved March 4, 2008, from the TechTarget Website:,,sid14_gci214299,00.html CNET Staff (February 11, 2008). â€Å"Security Bites Podcast: Nonpersistent Web Threats†. Retrieved March 4, 2008 from the CNET Website:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

No More Guns

If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed. Nowadays, most of people really need product that made their comfort or entertainment. If I could create something, I would like to invent solar car. It has many benefits to create because if people change a general car to be a solar car, the world would have more fuel; Expense would become less; the world would become a better place. Firstly, solar car does not need a fuel. In the future, if people still drive a general car, fuel would have no to find and then it would disappear to. Hence, solar car will is becoming essential for the future. Moreover, you can use money to pay for another thing instead of refilling a fuel. Thus, money in a bank will have more and more. Then, you can have money to use when the essential time will come. Finally, pollution will be lost because solar car not need a fuel to use. Unlike a general car that made air dirty. Air will become clean. Therefore, people will have a good health. Not only are good for the people but it also made the world become a better place. From the above, it is clear that why solar car will become important for people in the future. It is not use a fuel to be energy. It is saving your money to pay other things. Lastly, it is not too dangerous for human or nature.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The local ringgit currency(RM)

The local ringgit currency(RM) convert between RM3. 50 to RM4 to foreigners especially U. S dollar. So the cost of living is cheap by American standards. Which attract foreigners to come to our country for holidays. Others convenience facilities include 1. credit card facilities 2. Money changer 3. local and international banks HSBC,CITIBANK, MAYBANK Transportation Malaysia is served by an excellent transport system. Once you are in the country there is always transport available to you to even remote areas. Traveling by road in peninsula Malaysia is popular as it has well- developed network of roads. BY AIR Malaysia offers discount airline such as Air Asia offering cheap flights. Which enables people to travel worldwide. BY ROAD 1. Buses are inexpensive way to travel in Malaysia, bus routes within towns and cities typically charge fares according to the distance covered. 2. Taxi such as Public cab are available 24hours a day to provide transportation convenient to tourist that come for holiday in Malaysia. BY RAIL 1. It is possible to travel by rail within and to Peninsular Malaysia via Thailand and from Singapore. Malayan Railways or Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM) connects all major towns in the Peninsular. First, Second or Economy Class air-conditioned coaches are available. 2. The northbound Ekspres Langkawi departs nightly from Kuala Lumpur to Arau in Kedah. Arriving in the morning, it then proceeds to Hatyai, Thailand before returning back to Arau in the evening. 3. Senandung Malam is a KL-Butterworth-KL and KL-Singapore-KL sectional nightly service. Sleeping berths are provided in the first and second class coaches. BY SEA. There are several ports of entry in Malaysia, namely Penang, Port Klang, Kuantan, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Coastal ferries sail frequently between Penang and Butterworth, carrying both passengers as well as vehicles from the mainland to the island. Apart from that, there are many ferry/ boat services available for mainland-to-island and island-to-island travel around the country. Nature Malaysia welcomes you with a range of surprises. A tourist visiting this country is never disappointed as the person gets more than expected out of the place. From pristine beaches to intriguing rainforests, Malaysia has it all for you. Cameron Highlands As one of the most visited holiday destinations in Malaysia, Cameron Highlands are known for their natural beauty. This is a hill station that was developed by Britishers in the year 1920s. The place shelters a huge cosmopolitan population comprising Indians, Chinese, other ethnic groups and Malays. Cameron Highlands are known to be a home for waterfalls, extensive forests and trails that lead to these features and others. The destination is also a seta for tea factories. Visitors enjoy being a part of the tea factory trips through the Cameron Highlands. Pulau Tioman Pulau Tioman lies to the eastern coast of Malaysia. This island was rated to be the most beautiful islands in the year 1970 by the TIME magazine. The island is known to represent the paradise with its natural beauty. Pulau Tioman has white coral reefs contrasted with dense forests in the interiors. The months of November till February see a lot of crowd in this part of Malaysia though, the island is deserted for the rest of the year. Perhentian Islands Lying close to the Thai border and towards the northeastern coasts of Malaysia, Perhentian Islands are preferred family holiday destination in the country. The Islands are known for its spectacular beaches that promise to gift you an affordable vacation. The white sandy shores contrasted with the turquoise blue sea forms quite a treat for beach lovers and holiday makers in this part of the country. The Island mainly consists of two islands namely, Perhentian Kecil and Perhentian Besar